Supply chain problems are disrupting construction projects, pushing out schedules and deadlines.
MAAS posted a recent Linkedin Poll regarding construction in educational projects:
“How much longer has the supply chain problems pushed out your project schedule?”
The options listed were 2 months, 3 months, 4 months and 5+ months. To our surprise, 50% of the respondents selected 5+ months.
This extension is significant and costly and illustrates the importance of managing client expectations.
At MAAS, we arrange the big picture through preliminary and final master construction schedule development and keep track of the details with sequencing planning and logistics.
With over 35 years in the business of program management, MAAS has yet to find a software application that properly supports the complex financial and compliance reporting requirements for bond-funded facilities programs. So, in 2006 we began developing ForSitePro, a proprietary financial and project management software built for educational institutions, districts, and cities. Supported by our full-time team of IT specialists, ForSitePro has become an integral tool for all our project teams as well as districts and campuses across the country.